
VGA 2011: Mass Effect 3 Exclusive Trailer

Hell yea more adrenaline action, let the geeks play Skyrim me wanna kaboooom everything


Thresher Maw: You be bitchin' on my planet, I'ma slam yo' ass *attacks the reaper*
Reaper: What the ...

If that Thresher Maw eats the Reaper, it will not come out smoothly.

For some of the most advanced technology ever exist.....the reapers cant aim for shit.

@^ that seems to be a trend among all powerful, highly technological forces. Just look at the stormtroopers. 

I guess the Reapers didn't see the CAUTION WILD TRESHER MAWS ON PREMISES sign on the way to Tuchanka.

But when does the gameplay start?

That was so tight Butt-hole.

if i didnt know better, i would have expected godzilla to pop out at any second, but im sure the know what theyre doing...

Assassin's creed hidden blade.... hahaha

Shepard's like; HA I defeated the Thresher Maw on foot and you, Reaper, got owned like a bitchhh

I like how at 0:15 a laser come flying past shepard and he stands there totally oblivious to it. Mass Effect 3: Delayed Reaction 

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